Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chapter 2

Okay since we left Moab our lives have been spinning out of control! I am so sorry for those of you who have been waiting for pictures of our new apartment. We had a great time in Colorado though it was way too short of a trip it was great to see friends and family again. Then on our way to Idaho our car decided to get PMS and basically told us we wouldn't go any farther. So we were stuck in Little America WY for the night. You will never believe what happened the next day... the car acted like nothing was wrong!!!!! I wanted to kick it so bad, but I didn’t, and I guess the 50 cent ice cream cones made it better. So then we left and made it all the way back to Idaho with no problems. Now we are all settled into our apartment here in Rexburg and I have made it through 2 weeks of school so far taking 18 credits i am starting to think I am crazy :P but I know I can do it! Over all life is awesome we are enjoying being up here and having our own apartment. my favorite part of course was decorating lol Shaun tells me I cant do anymore  because then we won’t be able to see our walls I don’t know what he is talking about hahah oh well :)  that is all that is new in our lives. I included pictures of our new apartment hope you enjoy ....... oh and at the end there are pictures of our date night activity we hot glued crayons to a canvas and then used a hair dryer to melt and spatter the crayon, instant art work no talent involved now that’s my kind of art! Love all of ya <3
Front Room
Couch & huge wall clock

our dinning room  (aka the other side of the front room)
Favorite part = the magnets I made them out of buttons


Our favorite decoration :) ( It says Monson Family Established 4.9.2011 Rexburg temple)
